martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

NOTHING LASTS FOREVER - Chapters 15 - 20

1. Mark the following statements true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones.

1. When Paige returned to the apartment, Honey said Jason Curtis had called. Paige said that was great news.

2. Two days later, Jason phoned again and this time Paige herself answered the phone ans slammed the receiver down.

3. At six o'clock the following morning, when the residents gathered with Paige for morning rounds, Jason showed up wearing a clown costume.

4. He said he'd been worried about some of the aptients they had seen on the first round.

5. Jason had bought a lot of nonrefundable tickets for the patients' family.

6. At seven o'clock that evening when Jason arrived at hospital to pick up Paige she was in the oncall room in a deep sleep.

7. When Paige was getting dress to finally go out with Jason , she confessed she was not really interested in him.

8. During that dinner, paige explained the 'gherao', a forma of punishment in India where a lot of men throw stones to the guilty one.

9. Paige also told Jason her father was killed in a tribal war.

10. Paige told Jason that back in India she used to live in a fantastic two-story house because of his father position while the rest of her friends lived in 'tukuls' with grass roofs and no windows.

11. Next morning paige received a drawing of a beautiful two-story house with veranda done by Jason. In front of the house there was a little lawn area surrounded by a picket fence.

12. She thought it was the right house but the wrong man.

13. Next evening Paige was invited to Jason's parents' home. She was very tired and fell asleep and her head dropped to the table.

2. Choose the correct option. A, B or C.

1. Ken Mallory planned his strategy carefully so he decided to let Kat know, he:

A. was interested in her as a person

B. thought she was a brilliant doctor

C. take her to a romantic holiday in another city

2. Mallory was taken completely off guard wehn Kat:

A. told him she admired his work

B. told him she thought he was sexy

C. told him to invite her out to dinner

3. When they were going to bed just after their first date:

A. the phone rang and Kat had to leave hospital

B. Paige and Honey appeared to interrupt

C. Ken's received an emergency call on his cell phone.

3. Complete the paragraphs. How does the story go on?

1. Paige had been working from six o'clock in the morning until midnight. She was exhasted. Her driving back home was dangerous because it was difficult not to fall sleep. When she finally was lying in bed, the telephone rang....... ( Who called? What for? What did she eventually ask Wallace?)




2. One Saturday night Ken and Kat went out on their second date. Once at Ken's, Kat asked for a drink...... (what did she ask? Did she like it? did they have sex? why/why not?)




3. The next night, Dinetto's black lomosine was outside the hospital for Kat one more time... (What for? Did she do what asked? Why/why not?)




4. Jason arranged to pick Paige up at her apartment and take her to San Francisco.... (Did she know the city? Why did he know so much about it? What places did they visit?)




5. While Paige was thinking how lovely Jason was, her beeper went off. It sounded urgent. Her face turned pale.... ( What happened? Where did she ask Jason to take her? What did she accept to do? What did she remember? what happened just at the last minute she was doing it?)




6. Answer these questions:

1. Why did Honey envy the nurses?

2. Why was Daniel MacGuire of her favourite patients?

3. Why did Frances Gordon want a 'virgo' doctor? What was her occupation? What did did woman foretell?

4. Mrs Owens was a new patient with a broken nose, two black eyes and bruises. What happened to her? How did Honey help her? What did the woman finally do?

5. At hospital thre was an Indian patient with cholera. Whose patient was he? Why was the hospital going to be closed down?

6. There was only one doctor who could speak Indian.Who? Why was it important?

7. Why was Ken Mallory getting desperate?

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