sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009


Pete and Carla are students. They live in Bath, England. They like the city.
One hot Saturday afternoon in summer they are walking.
There are a lot of tourists in the city so they got to a quieter little street behind the Abbey. There is a man playing the flute. The tune is ‘Greensleeves’ but there are only two or three tourist listening. Pete likes the tune but thinks the man isn’t a good player. Carla puts a coin in the man’s hat. She saw that there were only four coins in the hat.
Pete takes her hand and they go to see shops in the next street. They find a small interesting shop. It sells very valuable coins and old stamps from different countries.

Pete looks at stamps from Canada and South America. The shopkeeper is always near watching him. A girl is working in the shop but isn’t friendly.

The phone rings and rings in a room behind the shop but the shopkeeper doesn’t want to answer. Carla doesn’t like the people in the shop.
The shopkeeper answers the phone.
Pete loves the stamps from South America but they are very expensive. Carla and Pete leave the shop and the girl smiles. They go to a café near the Abbey because they are thirsty. There are tables outside the café and they sit down. There a lot of people there.
After a minute they shopkeeper appears. He is very angry and says the coins are missing. He thinks Carla and Pete stole them

A policeman appears. He wants to know what is happening. He shopkeeper explains there were only four people in the shop. He says Tracy is innocent because he looked in her bag.
He looks in Carla’s bag and pocket. All the people are watching them.

The shopkeeper says he is sorry because now he knows the students didn’t steal the coins.
A girl in the street is playing the flute. The tune is ‘Greensleeves’. Carla remembers the other flute player near the shop. She knows where the missing coins are! She knows the answer!

Carla, Pete and policeman run to the little street. The flute player sees them and starts to run away. The policeman stops him. Carla explains everything.The man has got the coins! They were in his hat! The girl from the shop is his friend! She stole the coins, went to the window and put the coins in her friend hat.
A police car arrives. It takes the girl and the flute player to the station.

The shopkeeper says thank you to Pete and Carla. And he gives Pete tamps from South America.
Pete looks at Carla and says: Thanks! I love you!


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