sábado, 14 de noviembre de 2009

PHILADELPHIA - Questionaire

1. What reason did Charles Wheeler and his partners give on why Andrew was fired?
He misplaced an important complaint. Of course he was fired for having AIDS, but there was no way Wheeler and his partners would admit that.

2. Was Joe Miller the first lawyer Andrew went to for representation?
No, Andrew went to nine other lawyers.

3. When did Andrew start working for the firm?
He was recruited when he graduated from law school.

4. Before Andrew walked into Joe's office, what was Joe talking to his first client about?
The client fell in a hole on the street. The first client had a broken arm and was seeing how much he could collect.

5. Why was Joe reluctant at first to take Andrew's case?
He says that because he couldn’t ‘see ’a case but in fact it was because he was homophobic.

6. When did Joe Miller change his mind?
When he realized a crime was committed and his wife reminded him she had relatives who were gay and when at the library he saw how Andrew was being discriminated.

7. How did the firm find out that Andrew had AIDS?
He had a lesion on his forehead.

8. What did Andrew say about it?
Andrew said the lesion was from when he got hit with a racquetball.

9. When Joe delivered the summons, what famous basketball player were Wheeler and his partners talking to?
Julius Erving (Dr. J).
10. What did Joe tell the sportsman?
Joe told him if he's ever injured, give him a call.

11. How long did it take to bring the case to court?
7 months. Joe made his opening statement about how wrong it was to fire an employee for having an illness.

12. What analogy was Joe using when Mr. Laird said Andrew's performance went from satisfactory to mediocre?
The baloney sandwich / caviar one.
He was questioning that Andrew's performance was like caviar seven months before his dismissal and then it was like a baloney sandwich. He also asked them to explain it to him like he was a 4 year-old.

13. What happened when Joe went inside the drug store?
A gay pre-law student attempted to pick him up. The football player assumed that because Joe was representing a gay client that he was gay himself.

14. Why did Andrew think his partner, Miguel, was upset with him while giving him his home treatment?
Miguel was worried they didn't have much time left.Andrew decided then to start his memorial. Miguel told him to think about it but Andrew was adamant.

12. What did Joe tell Andrew he prayed for?
His baby girl was healthy (This was when they were going over the Question/Answer sheet at Andrew’s place)

13. What made Andrew think he was an excellent lawyer?
He knew and loved the law
When Joe was cross-examining Andrew, Andrew said, "I know the law, I love the law, I excel at the law

14. Who was Joe cross-examining when Andrew collapsed?
Mr. Wheeler. This was after he asked Andrew to show the court the lesions on his stomach.

15. After winning the case, how much money was Andrew awarded altogether? $5,025,000. $143,000 for back pay and loss of benefits. $100,000 for mental anguish and humiliation. $4,782,000 for punitive damages.

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