martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009


1- Multiple choice

1- According to Hippocrates “(…) whatever cannot be cured with the searing iron must be considered :
a) unhealthy” b) incurable” c) uncomfortable”.

2- According to Sir William Osler are three classes of human beings:
a) men, women and women physicians b) men, women and nurses c) men, nurses and women physicians

3- District Attorney Carls Andrews was in a fury because from a group of three doctor living together and working at the same hospital:

a) One of them almost gets an entire hospital closed down, the second one kills herself, and the third one kills a patient for a million dollars.
b) One of them almost kills a patient, the second one kills a patient for a million dollars, and the third one is murdered.
c) One of them almost gets entire hospital closed down, the second one kills a patient for a million dollars, and the third one is murdered.

4- In the witness box, Dr Kane said John Cronin was killed by:
a) sedative being injected into his IV (Intravenous) b) insulin being injected into his IV (Intravenous) c) a different blood type being introduced into his IV (Intravenous)

5- The report signed by Dr Paige Taylor says the patient died of:
a) an asthma attack b) a heart attack c) allergic attack

6- John Cronin’s widow, Hazel Cronin said her husband:
a) didn’t trust Dr b) never mentioned Dr Taylor c) like Dr Taylor

7- Dr Wallace said that one day Dr Taylor had a patient in need of a blood transfusion whose family refused to grant permission. He said that:
a) she managed to obtained the court order immediately and gave the patient the transfusion.
b) she gave the patient the transfusion anyway, obtained the court order afterward, and changed the date on it.
c) she managed to get an old court order, changed the date on it and gave the patient the transfusion.

8- Most of the patients at Embarcadero county hospital go there because:
a) they are indigent and cannot afford a private hospital b) they are lower middle class people who cannot afford health insurance
c) they are upper class people who can afford the best medical treatment.

9- In her first hospital round Paige met another young resident doctor she liked immediately. This was Dr Tom Chang who later:
a) has a car accident and dies b) commits suicide c) is robbed and murdered

10- Bye the end of day one, Paige and the other residents see their last patient, an old lady who is brain-dead on a respirator. They are told that the hospital ethics committee made the decision early that day to “pull the plug” because it’s cruel to keep her alive. Paige thinks that is:
a) a great act of kindness b) murder c) correct

11- Paige had heard that Dr Arthur Kane’ nickname was “Dr 007—licensed to kill” because:
a )he had a higher operation rate b)his solution to every problem was to operate c) he had a higher operation and mortality rate than any other doctor

12- When Dr Kane made advances to Paige and she:
a) felt unpleasant but thought it could be a great opportunity for her career
b) said there was nothing to discuss because she was not interested
c) said she didn’t need to discuss anything at dinner

13- When Kat was thirteen years old, her stepfather was raped repeatedly by her stepfather. One day:
a) He theatens to kill her litlle brother if she didn’t move so she left her home
b) Kat told her mother the truth and she order her to leave because she thought Kat was lying
c) Kat knew she was pregnant and decided to ran way to live with an aunt

14- Paige grew up in:
a) India and Africa b) Calcutta and South Africa c) Africa and Latin America

15- When Paige was fifteen, her mother:
a) disappeared when having a bath in a river b) disappeared with another man c) disappeared during an attack to the village they were living in

16- When Paige was seventeen, her father sent her to live in Chicago with his brother. When she arrived
a) she knew her father was also coming b) her uncle told her her father had died c) her uncle told her he prefer her coming back to the village

17- Paige and Alfred met in:
a) Puerto Rica b) Costa Rica c) Hawai

18- When Paige opened the door there was Alfred. Standing next to him was his:
a) girlfriend b) child’s mother c)his wife

19- Chief Nurse, Margaret Spenser didn’t like Kat because she was:
a) a young woman doctor b) a beautiful woman doctor c) a black woman doctor

20- Honey Taft had the bad fortune to have been born into a family of:
a) overachievers b)overweighed people c) over-optimistic people

21- Honey’s father would say she was:
a) the princess of the Taft family b) his favourite child c) the family’s ugly ducking

22- In High School she was known as the:
a) wallflower b) sunflower c)flower child

23- When Honey started having sex with boys she became:
a) intelligent b) famous c) popular

24- Paige was furious because the X-ray had been put up backward and Dr Kane:
a) had diagnosed wrongly b) had removed the wrong kidney c) had operated the wrong patient

25- Dr Wallace said Dr Kane was not going to be fired because:
a) he was one of the best doctors at hospital and they could not lose him
b) he was a senator’s friend with a lot of influences
c) the reputation of the hospital would be hurt

26- All hospitals have problems with drug theft but Embarcadero County Hospital was having a major problem. Their fentanyl – a highly addictive narcotic and anesthetic drug- disappeared constantly. Who was the thief?
a) Dr Mitch Campbell, one of Paige’s favourite doctors b) Dr Harry Bowman, the red Ferrari’s owner c) Karen, the secretary in charge of records

1-Dr Honey was unsure of herself in the morning rounds but on the afternoon rounds she was surprisingly knowledgeable and efficient. Explain how she managed to do so.

2- Dr Mitch Cambell behaved in a strange way during surgeries. What did he always do? Why? What did Paige ask him to do?

3- In the prologue we learn that one of the doctors almost gets Embarcadero closed down. Who do you think is the responsible one? Can you explain why?

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