domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

The Natural Approach Method by Krashen & Terrel

Blogwalking, I came across this video about The Natural Approach Method by Steven Krashen and Tracy Terrel. I bet every teacher under fifty studied this approach back in college but I found this short video a good way to keep our memory refreshed.

If you are interested in watching more videos by the same author, click here.

jueves, 23 de agosto de 2012

Learning Tools Over the Years

I always tell my students that when I was a first grader there were no such a thing as worksheets. Photocopies were a luxury for a school in Argentina and before doing any exercise we pupils had to first copy it from the blackboard.

My students find this piece of information shocking. They expect to hear this from someone who is their grandmother's age and not from a teacher in her late twenties.

Me myself find amazing to realize how fast technology in the classroom has evolved
Do you still remember those days when the only technological tool available for teaching was a tape recorder you had to book in advance?

I am sharing today this infographic on the Learning Tools Over the Years by the Colorado Technical University. Here is the link to their web page if you are interested in visiting them.

[Via: Colorado Technical University online learning]

Learning tools over the years
